Prof. Asher Susser's Recent Publications

Oct. 1, 2015
Prof. Susser recently has published the articles:"Jordan Facing Up to the ISIS Challenge: A Net Assessment" Including his section article "Wasfi al-Tall: An Iconic Incarnation of Jordanianism " in "The Individual in History; Essays in honor of Jehuda Reinharz"Jordan Facing Up to the ISIS Challenge Summary: The rise and expansion of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has threatened to erode state order and boundaries in the Middle East. Situated at the epicenter of this potential regional breakdown, Jordan faces serious domestic and international challenges to the stability that its Hashemite monarchy has so carefully cultivated. In this Brief, Asher Susser provides a net assessment of Jordan’s response to the ISIS challenge and the regime’s capacity to weather this latest storm. In responding to this predicament, Jordan must confront the radicalization of its domestic Islamist opposition, a struggling economy overburdened by the massive influx of Syrian refugees, and discontent among the monarchy’s core of "East Banker" elite. Jordan’s ability to pull through hinges on two critical factors: international support and the evolution of Jordanian stateness, defined here as effective central government and a cohesive understanding of Jordanianness. Susser concludes that as long as these remain, the Jordanian monarchy can continue performing an increasingly precarious balancing act. Yet, he cautions that this will require delicate diplomacy and very generous support from the Hashemite Kingdom’s allies, including Israel.Access to the article "Jodran Facing Up to the ISIS Challenge: A Net Assessment" is avaliable here. The Individual in History; Essays in honor of Jehuda Reinharz Overview: In this volume, eminent scholars in their respective fields extend the lines of Reinharz’s research interests and personal activism by focusing on the ideological, political, and scholarly contributions of a diverse range of individuals in Jewish history. Essays address five central themes: ideology and politics; statecraft; intellectual, social and cultural spheres; witnessing history; and the academy.This volume offers a panoramic view of modern Jewish history through engaging essays that celebrate Reinharz’s rich contribution as a prolific scholar, a path-breaking teacher, and leader in the academy and beyond. (Further detail available here for a preview of the book "The Individual in History; Essays in honor of Jehuda Reinharz" and available purchase, click here.